Source code for gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.DiUj2017

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Modified from:
# Reference: Dietrich et al.

import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs]def calc_meje(m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_meje(m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2) Neutron star mass ejected (M_sun). Masses in solar masses, neutron star radius in meters, and baryon mass, if provided, is in solar masses. mass ejecta calculated from constants taken from _a, _b, _c, _d, _n= -1.35695, 6.11252, -49.43355, 16.1144, -2.5484 :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float mb1: baryonic mass of larger ns :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float mb2: baryonic of smaller ns :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: ejecta mass (Msun) :rtype: float """ a= -1.35695 b= 6.11252 c=-49.43355 d= 16.1144 n= -2.5484 tmp1=((mb1*((m2/m1)**(1.0/3.0))*(1.0-2.0*c1)/c1)+(mb2*((m1/m2)**(1.0/3.0))*(1.0-2.0*c2)/c2)) * a tmp2=(mb1*((m2/m1)**n)+mb2*((m1/m2)**n)) * b tmp3=(mb1*(1.0-m1/mb1)+mb2*(1.0-m2/mb2)) * c meje_fit=np.maximum(tmp1+tmp2+tmp3+d,0)/1000.0 return meje_fit
[docs]def calc_vrho(m1,c1,m2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_vrho(m1,c1,m2,c2) velocity mass ejecta a = −0.219479, b= 0.444836, c=−2.67385 :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: velocity of ejecta mass (Msun) :rtype: float """ a=-0.219479 b=0.444836 c=-2.67385 return ((m1/m2)*(1.0+c*c1)+(m2/m1)*(1.0+c*c2))*a+b
[docs]def calc_vz(m1,c1,m2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_vz(m1,c1,m2,c2) the velocity orthogonal to the orbital plane a=−0.315585, b= 0.63808, c=−1.00757 :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: velocity of ejecta mass (Msun) :rtype: float """ a=-0.315585 b=0.63808 c=-1.00757 return ((m1/m2)*(1.0+c*c1)+(m2/m1)*(1.0+c*c2))*a +b
[docs]def calc_vej(m1,c1,m2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_vej(m1,c1,m2,c2) velocity mass ejecta calculated from :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: velocity of ejecta mass (Msun) :rtype: float """ return np.sqrt(calc_vrho(m1,c1,m2,c2)**2.0+calc_vz(m1,c1,m2,c2)**2.0)
[docs]def calc_qej(m1,c1,m2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_qej(m1,c1,m2,c2) opening angle theta_ej :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: opening angle :rtype: float """ vrho=calc_vrho(m1,c1,m2,c2) vz=calc_vz(m1,c1,m2,c2) vrho2=vrho*vrho vz2=vz*vz tmp1=3.*vz+np.sqrt(9*vz2+4*vrho2) qej=((2.0**(4.0/3.0))*vrho2+(2.*vrho2*tmp1)**(2.0/3.0))/((vrho**5.0)*tmp1)**(1.0/3.0) return qej
[docs]def calc_phej(m1,c1,m2,c2): """ .. py:function:: calc_qej(m1,c1,m2,c2) opening angle theta_ej θej∈[π/8,3π/8] and φej∈[π,2π], and that θej and φ ej are linearly correlated :param float m1: mass of larger ns (MSun) :param float c1: compactness of the larger neutron star :param float m2: mass of samller ns (MSun) :param float c2: compactness of the smaller neutron star :return: opening angle :rtype: float """ return 4.0*calc_qej(m1,c1,m2,c2)*np.pi/2.0