# Kilonova Light Curve Calculator
# includes heating from r-process nuclei, free neutrons, and remnant magnetar
# based on physics in Metzger et al. 2010, Fernandez & Metzger 2014, Metzger 2017
# Brian Metzger, 2016
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from .model import register_model
from .. import KNTable
from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.DiUj2017 import calc_meje, calc_vej
[docs]def get_Me2017_model(table, **kwargs):
.. py:function:: get_Me2017_model(table, **kwargs)
:param table table: a table which must at least have columns of solar masses of objects the baryonic masses of the objects and the compactness of the object. The table except m1, mb1, c1, m2, mb2, c2, mej and vej as column names
:return: The lbol, mag and sampling times of the KN Metzger 2017
:rtype: table
if not 'mej' in table.colnames:
# calc the mass of ejecta
table['mej'] = calc_meje(table['m1'], table['mb1'], table['c1'], table['m2'], table['mb2'], table['c2'])
# calc the velocity of ejecta
table['vej'] = calc_vej(table['m1'],table['c1'],table['m2'],table['c2'])
# Throw out smaples where the mass ejecta is less than zero.
mask = (table['mej'] > 0)
table = table[mask]
if len(table) == 0: return table
# Log mass ejecta
table['mej10'] = np.log10(table['mej'])
# Initialize lightcurve values in table
timeseries = np.arange(table['tini'][0], table['tmax'][0]+table['dt'][0], table['dt'][0])
table['t'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)]
table['lbol'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)]
table['mag'] = [np.zeros([9, timeseries.size])]
table['Tobs'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)]
# calc lightcurve for each sample
for isample in range(len(table)):
# Calc lightcurve
table['t'][isample], table['lbol'][isample], table['mag'][isample], table['Tobs'][isample] = calc_lc(table['tini'][isample],table['tmax'][isample],
table['dt'][isample], table['mej'][isample],
table['vej'][isample],table['beta'][isample], table['kappa_r'][isample])
return table
[docs]def lightcurve(tini,tmax,dt,beta,kappa_r,m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2):
mej = calc_meje(m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2)
vej = calc_vej(m1,c1,m2,c2)
t, lbol, mag, Tobs = calc_lc(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,beta,kappa_r)
return t, lbol, mag, Tobs
[docs]def calc_lc(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,beta,kappa_r):
# ** define constants **
c = 3.0e10
mp = 1.67e-24
Msun = 2.0e33
kb = 1.38e-16
sigSB = 5.67e-5
h = 6.63e-27
arad = 7.56e-15
Mpc = 3.08e24
# ** define parameters **
# fiducial redshift/distance
#z = 0.01
#D = 39.5*Mpc
z = 0.00
D = 1e-5*Mpc
# define desired observer band wavelengths (nm)
# u (0), b (1), v (2), r (3), i (4), z (5), y(6), j (7), k (8), l (9)
#lambdaobs = np.array([365., 445., 551., 658., 806., 900., 1020., 1220., 2190., 3450.])
# u (0) g (1) r (2) i (3) z (4) y (5) J (6) H (7) K (8)
lambdaobs = np.array([354.3, 477.56, 612.95, 748.46, 865.78, 960.31, 1235.0, 1662.0, 2159.0])
nuobs = c/(1.0e-7*lambdaobs)
nuobs = nuobs/(1.0 + z)
# total ejecta mass
M0 = mej*Msun
# minimum initial velocity
v0 = vej*c
# velocity index (M ~ v**-beta)
#beta = 3.
# initial thermal energy of bulk
E0 = (M0)*(v0**2.0)/2.0
# normalization of opacity of r-process matter (~10 for lanthanides, ~1 for non-lanthanides)
#kappa_r = 10.
# mass cut of free neutrons
Mn = 1.0e-8*Msun
# electron fraction & initial neutron mass fraction in outermost layers
Ye = 0.1
Xn0max = 1.0-2.0*Ye
# engine (0 = off, 1 = on)
engine_switch = 0
# BH (0 = magnetar, 1 = BH)
BH_switch = 0
ej = 0.1
# magnetar period (in seconds) and magnetic field (G)
P = 0.7e-3
B = 1.0e15
# magnetar collapse time (in units of initial spin-down times)
tcollapse = 10000000.
# ** define time array in seconds **
#tprec = 10000
#tmin = np.log(0.1)
#tmax = np.log(1.0e6)
#t = np.arange(tprec)*(tmax-tmin)/(tprec-1.0) + tmin
#t = np.exp(t)
#tdays = t/(3600.*24.)
tdays = np.arange(tini,tmax+dt,dt)
t = tdays*(3600.*24.)
tprec = len(t)
# ** define mass/velocity array of outer ejecta, comprised of half of mass **
mmin = np.log(1.0e-8)
mmax = np.log(M0/Msun)
mprec = 300
m = np.arange(mprec)*(mmax-mmin)/(mprec-1.0) + mmin
m = np.exp(m)
#vm(where(m gt 0.5*M0/Msun)) = v0
#vm(where(m le 0.5*M0/Msun)) = v0*(m(where(m le 0.5*M0/Msun))/(0.5*M0/Msun))^(-1./beta)
vm = v0*(m/(M0/Msun))**(-1./beta)
vm[vm > c] = c
# define thermalization efficiency from Barnes+16
# 1e-2 Msun, 0.2 c
ca3 = 1.3
cb3 = 0.2
cd3 = 1.1
# 1e-3, 0.3 c
ca2 = 8.2
cb2 = 1.2
cd2 = 1.52
# 1e-2, 0.1 c
ca = 0.56
cb = 0.17
cd = 0.74
eth = 0.36*(np.exp(-ca*tdays) + np.log(1.0+2*cb*(tdays**(cd)))/(2*cb*tdays**(cd)))
eth2 = 0.36*(np.exp(-ca2*tdays) + np.log(1.0+2*cb2*(tdays**(cd2)))/(2*cb2*tdays**(cd2)))
eth3 = 0.36*(np.exp(-ca3*tdays) + np.log(1.0+2*cb3*(tdays**(cd3)))/(2*cb3*tdays**(cd3)))
# ** calculate magnetar power **
Rns = 12.e5
# moment of inertia
Ins = 1.3e20
Ins = Ins*1.0e25
# magnetic moment
mu = B*(Rns**(3.0))
# angular rotation rate
omega = 2.0*np.pi/P
# rotational energy
Erot = 0.5*Ins*omega**(2.0)
# maximum spin-down luminosity
Lsd0 = mu**(2.0)*(omega**(4.0))/c**(3.0)
tsd0 = Erot/Lsd0
Lsd = Lsd0/(1.0 + t/tsd0)**(2.0)
Lsd[t > tcollapse*tsd0] = 0.0
Lsd = Lsd/1.0e20
Lsd = Lsd/1.0e20
Lsd2 = Lsd
if BH_switch:
#*** calculate BH fall-back power
Lsd = 2.0e11*(ej/0.1)*(t/0.1)**(-5./3.)
if not engine_switch:
Lsd[:] = 0.0
# ** define diffusive mass depth (assumed beta = 3) **
Mdiff = (4.0*np.pi*(M0)**(1./3.)*(v0*c*t**2.)/(3.0*kappa_r))**(3./4.)
Mdiff[Mdiff > M0] = M0
Mdiff = Mdiff/Msun
# ** define radioactive heating rates **
# neutron and r-process mass fractions
Xn0 = Xn0max*2*np.arctan((Mn/(m*Msun))**(1.0))/np.pi
Xr = 1.0-Xn0
# define arrays in mass layer and time
Xn = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
edotn = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
edotr = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
edot = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
kappa = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
kappan = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
kappar = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
# define specific heating rates and opacity of each mass layer
t0 = 1.3
sig = 0.11
tarray = np.tile(t,(mprec,1))
Xn0array = np.tile(Xn0,(tprec,1)).T
Xrarray = np.tile(Xr,(tprec,1)).T
etharray = np.tile(eth,(mprec,1))
Xn = Xn0array*np.exp(-tarray/900.)
edotn = 3.2e14*Xn
edotr = 4.0e18*Xrarray*(0.5 - (1./np.pi)*np.arctan((tarray-t0)/sig))**(1.3)*etharray
edotr = 2.1e10*etharray*((tarray/(3600.*24.))**(-1.3))
edot = edotn + edotr
kappan = 0.4*(1.0-Xn-Xrarray)
kappar = kappa_r*Xrarray
kappa = kappan + kappar
# define total r-process heating of inner layer
Lr = M0*4.0e18*(0.5 - (1./np.pi)*np.arctan((t-t0)/sig))**(1.3)*eth
Lr = Lr/1.0e20
Lr = Lr/1.0e20
# *** define arrays by mass layer/time arrays ***
ene = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
lum = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
lumpdv = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
lumedot = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
tdiff = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
tau = np.zeros((mprec,tprec))
# properties of photosphere
Rphoto = np.zeros((tprec,))
vphoto = np.zeros((tprec,))
mphoto = np.zeros((tprec,))
kappaphoto = np.zeros((tprec,))
# *** define arrays for total ejecta (1 zone = deepest layer) ***
# thermal energy
E = np.zeros((tprec,))
# kinetic energy
Ek = np.zeros((tprec,))
# velocity
v = np.zeros((tprec,))
R = np.zeros((tprec,))
taues = np.zeros((tprec,))
Lrad = np.zeros((tprec,))
temp = np.zeros((tprec,))
# setting initial conditions
E[0] = E0/1.0e20
E[0] = E[0]/1.0e20
Ek[0] = E0/1.0e20
Ek[0] = Ek[0]/1.0e20
v[0] = v0
R[0] = t[0]*v[0]
dt = t[1:]-t[:-1]
dm = m[1:]-m[:-1]
marray = np.tile(m,(tprec,1)).T
dmarray = np.tile(dm,(tprec,1)).T
for j in xrange(tprec-1):
# one zone calculation
temp[j] = 1.0e10*(3.0*E[j]/(arad*4.0*np.pi*R[j]**(3.0)))**(0.25)
if (temp[j] > 4000.):
kappaoz = kappa_r
if (temp[j] < 4000.):
kappaoz = kappa_r*(temp[j]/4000.)**(5.5)
kappaoz = kappa_r
LPdV = E[j]*v[j]/R[j]
tdiff0 = 3.0*kappaoz*M0/(4.0*np.pi*c*v[j]*t[j])
tlc0 = R[j]/c
tdiff0 = tdiff0+tlc0
Lrad[j] = E[j]/tdiff0
Ek[j+1] = Ek[j] + LPdV*(dt[j])
v[j+1] = 1.0e20*(2.0*Ek[j]/(M0))**(0.5)
E[j+1] = (Lr[j] + Lsd[j]-LPdV-Lrad[j])*(dt[j]) + E[j]
R[j+1] = v[j+1]*(dt[j]) + R[j]
taues[j+1] = (M0)*0.4/(4.0*R[j+1]**(2.0))
templayer = (3.0*ene[:-1,j]*dm*Msun/(arad*4.0*np.pi*(t[j]*vm[:-1])**(3.0)))**(0.25)
kappa_correction = np.ones(templayer.shape)
kappa_correction[templayer > 4000.] = 1.0
kappa_correction[templayer < 4000.] = 1.0*(templayer[templayer < 4000.]/4000.)**(5.5)
kappa_correction[:] = 1.0
tdiff[:-1,j] = 0.08*kappa[:-1,j]*m[:-1]*Msun*3*kappa_correction/(vm[:-1]*c*t[j]*beta)
tau[:-1,j] = m[:-1]*Msun*kappa[:-1,j]/(4.0*np.pi*(t[j]*vm[:-1])**(2.0))
lum[:-1,j] = ene[:-1,j]/(tdiff[:-1,j] + t[j]*(vm[:-1]/c))
ene[:-1,j+1] = (edot[:-1,j] - (ene[:-1,j]/t[j]) - lum[:-1,j])*(dt[j]) + ene[:-1,j]
lum[:-1,j] = lum[:-1,j]*(dm)*Msun
tau[mprec-1,j] = tau[mprec-2,j]
# photosphere
pig1 = np.argmin(np.abs(tdiff[:,j]-t[j]))
pig = np.argmin(np.abs(tau[:,j]-1.0))
vphoto[j] = vm[pig]
Rphoto[j] = vphoto[j]*t[j]
mphoto[j] = m[pig]
kappaphoto[j] = kappa[pig,j]
Ltotm = np.sum(lum,axis=0)
Ltotm = Ltotm/1.0e20
Ltotm = Ltotm/1.0e20
if engine_switch:
Ltot = Lrad
Tobs = 1.0e10*(Ltot/(4.0*np.pi*(R)**(2.0)*sigSB))**(0.25)
if not BH_switch:
tlife = (Lsd/1.0e5)**(0.5)*(v/(0.3*c))**(0.5)*(t/(3600.*24.))**(-0.5)
Ltot = Ltot/(1.0+tlife)
if not engine_switch:
Ltot = Ltotm
Tobs = 1.0e10*(Ltot/(4.0*np.pi*(Rphoto)**(2.0)*sigSB))**(0.25)
nuobsarray = np.tile(nuobs,(tprec,1)).T
expo = np.exp(h*nuobsarray/(kb*Tobs))-1.0
F = (2.0*np.pi*(h*nuobsarray)*((nuobsarray/c)**(2.0))/expo)*(Rphoto/D)*(Rphoto/D)
mAB = -2.5*np.log10(F) - 48.6
# distance modulus
muD = 5.0*np.log10(D/(3.08e18))-5.
return tdays, Ltotm*1e40, mAB, Tobs
register_model('Me2017', KNTable, get_Me2017_model,