Source code for

# Kilonova Light Curve Calculator
# includes heating from r-process nuclei, free neutrons, and remnant magnetar
# based on physics in Metzger et al. 2010, Fernandez & Metzger 2014, Metzger 2017
# Brian Metzger, 2016

import os, sys
import numpy as np

from .model import register_model
from .. import KNTable

from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.DiUj2017 import calc_meje, calc_vej

[docs]def get_SmCh2017_model(table, **kwargs): if not 'mej' in table.colnames: # calc the mass of ejecta table['mej'] = calc_meje(table['m1'], table['mb1'], table['c1'], table['m2'], table['mb2'], table['c2']) # calc the velocity of ejecta table['vej'] = calc_vej(table['m1'],table['c1'],table['m2'],table['c2']) # Throw out smaples where the mass ejecta is less than zero. mask = (table['mej'] > 0) table = table[mask] if len(table) == 0: return table # Log mass ejecta table['mej10'] = np.log10(table['mej']) # Initialize lightcurve values in table timeseries = np.arange(table['tini'][0], table['tmax'][0]+table['dt'][0], table['dt'][0]) table['t'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)] table['lbol'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)] table['mag'] = [np.zeros([9, timeseries.size])] table['Tobs'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)] # calc lightcurve for each sample for isample in range(len(table)): table['t'][isample], table['lbol'][isample], table['mag'][isample], table['Tobs'][isample] = calc_lc(table['tini'][isample], table['tmax'][isample], table['dt'][isample], table['mej'][isample], table['vej'][isample], table['slope_r'][isample], table['kappa_r'][isample]) return table
[docs]def lightcurve_break(tini,tmax,dt,slope_r,kappa_r,t_break,slope_break,m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2): mej = calc_meje(m1,mb1,c1,m2,mb2,c2) vej = calc_vej(m1,c1,m2,c2) t, lbol, mag, Tobs = calc_lc_break(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,slope_r,kappa_r,t_break,slope_break) return t, lbol, mag, Tobs
[docs]def calc_lc(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,slope_r,kappa_r): t_break = 10.0 slope_break = slope_r * 1.0 t, lbol, mag, Tobs = calc_lc_break(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,slope_r,kappa_r,t_break,slope_break) return t, lbol, mag, Tobs
[docs]def calc_lc_break(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,slope_r,kappa_r,t_break,slope_break): # ** define constants ** c = 3.0e10 mp = 1.67e-24 Msun = 2.0e33 kb = 1.38e-16 sigSB = 5.67e-5 h = 6.63e-27 arad = 7.56e-15 Mpc = 3.08e24 # ** define parameters ** # fiducial redshift/distance #z = 0.01 #D = 39.5*Mpc z = 0.00 D = 1e-5*Mpc # engine (0 = off, 1 = on) engine_switch = 0 # define desired observer band wavelengths (nm) # u (0), b (1), v (2), r (3), i (4), z (5), y(6), j (7), k (8), l (9) #lambdaobs = np.array([365., 445., 551., 658., 806., 900., 1020., 1220., 2190., 3450.]) # u (0) g (1) r (2) i (3) z (4) y (5) J (6) H (7) K (8) lambdaobs = np.array([354.3, 477.56, 612.95, 748.46, 865.78, 960.31, 1235.0, 1662.0, 2159.0]) nuobs = c/(1.0e-7*lambdaobs) nuobs = nuobs/(1.0 + z) dotrap = 0 M_ej = mej # Ejecta mass (Msun) V_ej = vej*c E_51 = 1/((10./(V_ej**2))*1e51/(3*M_ej*2e33)) kappa = kappa_r # Initial spin period (ms) slope = slope_r # Shift in days of light curve (t_sinceexplosion = tvec_days + shift_days) t0 = 1 # Constants c = 2.998e10 # Speed of light (cm/s) CHECKED e_ni0 = 3.90e10 # Energy release in Ni56 decay (erg/s/g) CHECKED e_co0 = 6.78e9 # Energy release in Co56 decay (erg/s/g) CHECKED m_sol = 2e33 # Solar mass (g) CHECKED tau_ni = 6.077*24*60*60/np.log(2) # Decay time (half life / ln2) for Ni56 (s) 6.077 CHECKED tau_co = 77.27*24*60*60/np.log(2) # Decay time (half life / ln2) for Co56 (s) 77.27d CHECKED kappa_gamma = 0.03 # CHECKED # total ejecta mass M0 = mej*Msun # minimum initial velocity v0 = vej*c # velocity index (M ~ v**-beta) beta = 3. # ** define mass/velocity array of outer ejecta, comprised of half of mass ** mmin = np.log(1.0e-8) mmax = np.log(M0/Msun) mprec = 300 m = np.arange(mprec)*(mmax-mmin)/(mprec-1.0) + mmin m = np.exp(m) vm = v0*(m/(M0/Msun))**(-1./beta) vm[vm > c] = c tau_m = 1.05*((kappa/(13.7*c))**0.5) * (((((M_ej*m_sol)**3))/(E_51*1e51))**0.25) # Diffusion time (Arnett 1982) Eq 18, 19, 22, 23 CHECKED y = tau_m/(2*tau_ni) # Arnett 1982 Eq 33 CHECKED yp = tau_m/(2*tau_co) # Arnet 1982 Eq 33, modified to 56Co decay CHECKED Nintegrate = 5000 # Number of time steps to run integrals over tvec_days = np.arange(tini,tmax+dt,dt) Ntimes = len(tvec_days) Ltotm = np.zeros(tvec_days.shape) vphoto = np.zeros(tvec_days.shape) Rphoto = np.zeros(tvec_days.shape) for i in xrange(Ntimes): t = tvec_days[i]*24*3600 # Time in seconds x = t/tau_m # Arnett 1982 Eq 32 CHECKED z = np.linspace(0.000001,x,Nintegrate) # Define limits of intergration for A(z) CHECKED # Compute gamma ray deposition R = V_ej*z*tau_m # Radius vector...z*tau_m = time CHECKED rho = M_ej*2e33/(4*np.pi/3*R**3) # CHECKED tau_56co_gamma = kappa_gamma*rho*R # CHECKED G = tau_56co_gamma/(tau_56co_gamma + 1.6) # Arnett 1982 Eq 51 CHECKED D_gamma = G*(1 + 2*G*(1-G)*(1-0.75*G)) # Arnett 1982 eq 50 CHECKED power = np.zeros((z.shape)) ind = np.where((z*tau_m > 0.0001*24*3600) & (z*tau_m <= t_break*24*3600))[0] slopeuse = slope ts = 1.3 sigma = 0.11 eth = 0.36*(np.exp(-0.56*z*tau_m/(24*3600)) + (np.log(1 + 2*0.17*(z*tau_m/(24*3600))**0.74))/(2*0.17*(z*tau_m/(24*3600))**0.74)) power[ind] = eth[ind]*1.9e10*(M_ej*m_sol)*(z[ind]*tau_m/(t0*24*3600))**(slopeuse) ind = np.where(z*tau_m > t_break*24*3600)[0] slopeuse = slope_break power[ind] = 10**(slope-slopeuse)*eth[ind]*1.9e10*(M_ej*m_sol)*(z[ind]*tau_m/(t0*24*3600))**(slopeuse) # Kilnova part taudiff = 1.05/(13.7*3e10)**0.5*kappa**0.5*(M_ej*2e33)**0.75*(E_51*1e51)**(-0.25)/(24*3600) if (tvec_days[i] <= 2.5*taudiff): integrand_rprocess = power*np.exp(z**2-x**2)*2*z Lambda_kilonova = np.sum(integrand_rprocess*(x/Nintegrate)) else: Lambda_kilonova = power[Nintegrate-1] Ltotm[i] = Lambda_kilonova # Calculate luminosity kappa_correction = 1.0 tdiff = 0.08*kappa*m*Msun*3*kappa_correction/(vm*c*t*beta) tau = m*Msun*kappa/(4.0*np.pi*(t*vm)**(2.0)) # photosphere pig1 = np.argmin(np.abs(taudiff-t)) pig = np.argmin(np.abs(tau-1.0)) vphoto[i] = vm[pig] Rphoto[i] = vphoto[i]*t Ltotm = Ltotm/1.0e20 Ltotm = Ltotm/1.0e20 if engine_switch: Ltot = Lrad Tobs = 1.0e10*(Ltot/(4.0*np.pi*(R)**(2.0)*sigSB))**(0.25) if not BH_switch: tlife = (Lsd/1.0e5)**(0.5)*(v/(0.3*c))**(0.5)*(t/(3600.*24.))**(-0.5) Ltot = Ltot/(1.0+tlife) if not engine_switch: Ltot = Ltotm Tobs = 1.0e10*(Ltot/(4.0*np.pi*(Rphoto)**(2.0)*sigSB))**(0.25) nuobsarray = np.tile(nuobs,(Ntimes,1)).T expo = np.exp(h*nuobsarray/(kb*Tobs))-1.0 F = (2.0*np.pi*(h*nuobsarray)*((nuobsarray/c)**(2.0))/expo)*(Rphoto/D)*(Rphoto/D) mAB = -2.5*np.log10(F) - 48.6 # distance modulus muD = 5.0*np.log10(D/(3.08e18))-5. return tvec_days, Ltotm*1e40, mAB, Tobs
register_model('SmCh2017', KNTable, get_SmCh2017_model, usage="table")