Source code for


import os, sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import interpolate as interp

from .model import register_model
from .. import KNTable

from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.DiUj2017 import calc_meje, calc_vej

[docs]def get_WoKo2017_model(table, **kwargs): if not 'mej' in table.colnames: # calc the mass of ejecta table['mej'] = calc_meje(table['m1'], table['mb1'], table['c1'], table['m2'], table['mb2'], table['c2']) # calc the velocity of ejecta table['vej'] = calc_vej(table['m1'], table['c1'], table['m2'], table['c2']) # Throw out smaples where the mass ejecta is less than zero. mask = (table['mej'] > 0) table = table[mask] if len(table) == 0: return table # Log mass ejecta table['mej10'] = np.log10(table['mej']) # Initialize lightcurve values in table timeseries = np.arange(table['tini'][0], table['tmax'][0]+table['dt'][0], table['dt'][0]) table['t'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)] table['lbol'] = [np.zeros(timeseries.size)] table['mag'] = [np.zeros([9, timeseries.size])] # calc lightcurve for each sample for isample in range(len(table)): table['t'][isample], table['lbol'][isample], table['mag'][isample] = calc_lc(table['tini'][isample], table['tmax'][isample], table['dt'][isample], table['mej'][isample], table['vej'][isample], table['theta_r'][isample], table['kappa'][isample]) return table
[docs]def calc_lc(tini,tmax,dt,mej,vej,theta_r,kappa_r,model="DZ2"): mejconst = [-1.13,-1.01,-0.94,-0.94,-0.93,-0.93,-0.95,-0.99] vejconst = [-1.28,-1.60,-1.52,-1.56,-1.61,-1.61,-1.55,-1.33] kappaconst = [2.65,2.27,2.02,1.87,1.76,1.56,1.33,1.13] if model == "DZ2": mej0 = 0.013+0.005 vej0 = 0.132+0.08 kappa0 = 1.0 modelfile = "../data/macronova_models_wollaeger2017/DZ2_mags_2017-03-20.dat" elif model == "gamA2": mej0 = 0.013+0.005 vej0 = 0.132+0.08 kappa0 = 1.0 modelfile = "../data/macronova_models_wollaeger2017/gamA2_mags_2017-03-20.dat" elif model == "gamB2": mej0 = 0.013+0.005 vej0 = 0.132+0.08 kappa0 = 1.0 modelfile = "../data/macronova_models_wollaeger2017/gamB2_mags_2017-03-20.dat" data_out = np.loadtxt(modelfile) ndata, nslices = data_out.shape ints = np.arange(0,ndata,ndata/9) tvec_days = np.arange(tini,tmax+dt,dt) mAB = np.zeros((len(tvec_days),8)) for ii in xrange(len(ints)): idx = np.arange(ndata/9) + ii*(ndata/9) data_out_slice = data_out[idx,:] t = data_out_slice[:,1] data = data_out_slice[:,2:] #idx = np.where((t >= 0) & (t <= 7))[0] #t = t[idx] #data = data[idx,:] nt, nbins = data.shape a_i = (360/(2*np.pi))*np.arccos(1 - np.arange(nbins)*2/float(nbins)) b_i = (360/(2*np.pi))*np.arccos(1 - (np.arange(nbins)+1)*2/float(nbins)) bins = (a_i + b_i)/2.0 idx = np.argsort(np.abs(bins-theta_r*2*np.pi)) idx1 = idx[0] idx2 = idx[1] weight1 = 1/np.abs(bins[idx1]-theta_r*2*np.pi) weight2 = 1/np.abs(bins[idx1]-theta_r*2*np.pi) if not np.isfinite(weight1): weight1, weight2 = 1.0, 0.0 elif not np.isfinite(weight2): weight1, weight2 = 0.0, 1.0 else: weight1, weight2 = weight1/(weight1+weight2), weight2/(weight1+weight2) if ii == 0: #f = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(bins,t,np.log10(data), kind='cubic') f1 = interp.interp1d(t, np.log10(data[:,idx1]), fill_value='extrapolate') f2 = interp.interp1d(t, np.log10(data[:,idx2]), fill_value='extrapolate') else: #f = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(bins,t,data, kind='cubic') f1 = interp.interp1d(t,data[:,idx1], fill_value='extrapolate') f2 = interp.interp1d(t,data[:,idx2], fill_value='extrapolate') fam1, fam2 = f1(tvec_days), f2(tvec_days) fam = weight1*fam1+weight2*fam2 if ii == 0: lbol = 10**fam else: mAB[:,int(ii-1)] = np.squeeze(fam + mejconst[int(ii-1)]*np.log10(mej/mej0) + vejconst[int(ii-1)]*np.log10(vej/vej0)) #+ kappaconst[int(ii-1)]*np.log10(kappa_r/kappa0)) tmax = (kappa_r/10)**0.35 * (mej/10**-2)**0.318 * (vej/0.1)**-0.60 Lmax = 2.8*10**40 * (kappa_r/10)**-0.60 * (mej/10**-2)**0.426 * (vej/0.1)**0.776 tvec_days = tvec_days*tmax/tvec_days[np.argmax(lbol)] lbol = lbol*Lmax/np.max(lbol) wavelengths = [4775.6, 6129.5, 7484.6, 8657.8, 9603.1, 12350, 16620, 21590] wavelength_interp = 3543 mAB_y = np.zeros(tvec_days.shape) for ii in xrange(len(tvec_days)): mAB_y[ii] = np.interp(wavelength_interp,wavelengths,mAB[ii,:]) mAB_new = np.zeros((len(tvec_days),9)) mAB_new[:,0] = np.squeeze(mAB_y) mAB_new[:,1:] = mAB return np.squeeze(tvec_days), np.squeeze(lbol), mAB_new.T
register_model('WoKo2017', KNTable, get_WoKo2017_model, usage="table")