Source code for gwemlightcurves.KNModels.table

# Copyright (C) Scott Coughlin (2017)
# This file is part of gwemlightcurves.
# gwemlightcurves is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# gwemlightcurves is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Extend :mod:`astropy.table` with the `KNTable`

import numpy as np

from astropy.table import (Table, Column, vstack)
from distutils.spawn import find_executable

__author__ = 'Scott Coughlin <>'
__all__ = ['KNTable', 'tidal_lambda_from_tilde', 'CLove', 'EOSfit', 'get_eos_list', 'get_lalsim_eos', 'construct_eos_from_polytrope']

[docs]def tidal_lambda_from_tilde(mass1, mass2, lam_til, dlam_til): """ Determine physical lambda parameters from effective parameters. See Eqs. 5 and 6 from """ mt = mass1 + mass2 eta = mass1 * mass2 / mt**2 q = np.sqrt(1 - 4*eta) a = (8./13) * (1 + 7*eta - 31*eta**2) b = (8./13) * q * (1 + 9*eta - 11*eta**2) c = 0.5 * q * (1 - 13272*eta/1319 + 8944*eta**2/1319) d = 0.5 * (1 - 15910*eta/1319 + 32850*eta**2/1319 + 3380*eta**3/1319) lambda1 = 0.5 * ((c - d) * lam_til - (a - b) * dlam_til)/(b*c - a*d) lambda2 = 0.5 * ((c + d) * lam_til - (a + b) * dlam_til)/(a*d - b*c) return lambda1, lambda2
[docs]def CLove(lmbda): """ Compactness-Love relation for neutron stars from Eq. (78) of Yagi and Yunes, Phys. Rep. 681, 1 (2017), using the YY coefficients and capping the compactness at the Buchdahl limit of 4/9 = 0.44... (since the fit diverges as lambda \to 0). We also cap the compactness at zero, since it becomes negative for large lambda, though these lambdas are so large that they are unlikely to be encountered in practice. In both cases, we raise an error if it runs up against either of the bounds. Input: Dimensionless quadrupolar tidal deformability lmbda Output: Compactness (mass over radius, in geometrized units, so the result is dimensionless) """ # Give coefficients a0 = 0.360 a1 = -0.0355 a2 = 0.000705 # Compute fit lmbda = np.atleast_1d(lmbda) ll = np.log(lmbda) cc = a0 + (a1 + a2*ll)*ll if (cc > 4./9.).any(): print("Warning: Returned compactnesses > 4/9 = 0.44 ... setting = 4/9") print("setting compact value of {0} for lambda {1} to 4/9".format(cc[cc > 4./9.], lmbda[cc > 4./9.])) cc[cc > 4./9.] = 4./9. if (cc < 0.).any(): print("Warning: Returned compactnesses < 0 ... setting = 0.") cc[cc < 0.0] = 0.0 return cc
[docs]def EOSfit(mns,c): """ # Equation to relate EOS and neutron star mass to Baryonic mass # Eq 8: """ mb = mns*(1 + 0.8857853174243745*c**1.2082383572002926) return mb
[docs]def get_eos_list(TOV): """ Populates lists of available EOSs for each set of TOV solvers """ import os if TOV not in ['Monica', 'Wolfgang', 'lalsim']: raise ValueError('You have provided a TOV ' 'for which we have no data ' 'and therefore cannot ' 'calculate the radius.') try: path = find_executable('ap4_mr.dat') path = path[:-10] except: raise ValueError('Check to make sure EOS mass-radius ' 'tables have been installed correctly ' '(try `which ap4_mr.dat`)') if TOV == 'Monica': EOS_List=[file_name[:-7] for file_name in os.listdir(path) if file_name.endswith("_mr.dat") and 'lalsim' not in file_name] if TOV == 'Wolfgang': EOS_List=[file_name[:-10] for file_name in os.listdir(path) if file_name.endswith("seq")] if TOV == 'lalsim': EOS_List=[file_name[:-14] for file_name in os.listdir(path) if file_name.endswith("lalsim_mr.dat")] return EOS_List
[docs]def construct_eos_from_polytrope(EOS): """ Uses lalsimulation to read polytrope parameters from table """ import lalsimulation as lalsim from import ascii polytrope_table=np.genfromtxt(find_executable('polytrope_table.dat'), dtype=("|S10", '<f8','<f8','<f8','<f8'), names=True) #convert all eos names to lower case for i in range(0,len(polytrope_table['eos'])): polytrope_table['eos'][i]=polytrope_table['eos'][i].lower() #convert logp from cgs to si for i in range(0, len(polytrope_table['logP1'])): polytrope_table['logP1'][i]=np.log10(10**(polytrope_table['logP1'][i])*0.1) eos_indx=np.where(polytrope_table['eos']==eos)[0][0] eos=lalsim.SimNeutronStarEOS4ParameterPiecewisePolytrope(polytrope_table['logP1'][eos_indx], polytrope_table['gamma1'][eos_indx], polytrope_table['gamma2'][eos_indx], polytrope_table['gamma3'][eos_indx]) eos_fam=lalsim.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos) return eos_fam
[docs]def get_lalsim_eos(eos_name): """ EOS tables described by Ozel `here <>`_ and downloadable `here <>`_. LALSim utilizes this tables, but needs some interfacing (i.e. conversion to SI units, and conversion from non monotonic to monotonic pressure density tables) """ obs_max_mass = 2.01 - 0.04 print "Checking %s" % eos_name eos_fname = "" if os.path.exists(eos_name): # NOTE: Adapted from code by Monica Rizzo print "Loading from %s" % eos_name bdens, press, edens = numpy.loadtxt(eos_name, unpack=True) press *= 7.42591549e-25 edens *= 7.42591549e-25 eos_name = os.path.basename(eos_name) eos_name = os.path.splitext(eos_name)[0].upper() if not numpy.all(numpy.diff(press) > 0): keep_idx = numpy.where(numpy.diff(press) > 0)[0] + 1 keep_idx = numpy.concatenate(([0], keep_idx)) press = press[keep_idx] edens = edens[keep_idx] assert numpy.all(numpy.diff(press) > 0) if not numpy.all(numpy.diff(edens) > 0): keep_idx = numpy.where(numpy.diff(edens) > 0)[0] + 1 keep_idx = numpy.concatenate(([0], keep_idx)) press = press[keep_idx] edens = edens[keep_idx] assert numpy.all(numpy.diff(edens) > 0) print "Dumping to %s" % eos_fname eos_fname = "./." + eos_name + ".dat" numpy.savetxt(eos_fname, numpy.transpose((press, edens)), delimiter='\t') eos = lalsimulation.SimNeutronStarEOSFromFile(eos_fname) fam = lalsimulation.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos) else: eos = lalsimulation.SimNeutronStarEOSByName(eos_name) fam = lalsimulation.CreateSimNeutronStarFamily(eos) mmass = lalsimulation.SimNeutronStarMaximumMass(fam) / lal.MSUN_SI print "Family %s, maximum mass: %1.2f" % (eos_name, mmass) if numpy.isnan(mmass) or mmass > 3. or mmass < obs_max_mass: return return eos, fam
[docs]class KNTable(Table): """A container for a table of events See also -------- astropy.table.Table for details on parameters for creating an `KNTable` """ # -- i/o ------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def read_samples(cls, filename_samples): """ Read LALinference posterior_samples """ import os if not os.path.isfile(filename_samples): raise ValueError("Sample file supplied does not exist") data_out =, format='ascii') if 'm1_source' in list(data_out.columns): data_out['m1'] = data_out['m1_source'] print 'setting m1 to m1_source' if 'm2_source' in list(data_out.columns): data_out['m2'] = data_out['m2_source'] print 'setting m2 to m2_source' if 'dlam_tilde' in list(data_out.columns): data_out['dlambdat'] = data_out['dlam_tilde'] print 'setting dlambdat to dlam_tilde' if 'lam_tilde' in list(data_out.columns): data_out['lambdat'] = data_out['lam_tilde'] print 'setting lambdat to lam_tilde' return KNTable(data_out)
[docs] def calc_tidal_lambda(self, remove_negative_lambda=False): """ Takes posterior samples and calculates lambda1 and lambda2 from lambdat and dlambdat. """ if (not 'lambda1' in list(self.columns)) and (not 'lambda2' in list(self.columns)): self['lambda1'], self['lambda2'] = tidal_lambda_from_tilde( self["m1"], self["m2"], self["lambdat"], self["dlambdat"]) if remove_negative_lambda: print 'You have requested to remove negative lambda values' mask = (self["lambda1"] < 0) | (self["lambda2"] < 0) self = self[~mask] print "Removing %d/%d due to negative lambdas"%(np.sum(mask),len(mask)) return self
[docs] def calc_compactness(self, fit=False): """ calculate compactness of objects from lambda1 and lambda2 """ try: import lal G = lal.G_SI; c = lal.C_SI; msun = lal.MSUN_SI except: import astropy.units as u import astropy.constants as C G = lal.G_SI; c = C.c.value; msun = if fit: print 'You have chose to calculate compactness from fit.' print 'you are therefore choosing to be EOS agnostic' self["c1"] = CLove(self["lambda1"]) self["c2"] = CLove(self["lambda2"]) else: print 'You have chose to calculate compactness from radius.' print 'you are therefore must have selected a EOS' self['c1'] = self['m1'] / self['r1'] * G / c**2 * msun self['c2'] = self['m2'] / self['r2'] * G / c**2 * msun return self
[docs] def calc_baryonic_mass(self, EOS, TOV, fit=False): """ if fit=True then the fit from Equation to relate EOS and neutron star mass to Baryonic mass Eq 8: """ if fit: self["mb1"] = EOSfit(self["m1"], self["c1"]) self["mb2"] = EOSfit(self["m2"], self["c2"]) return self if TOV not in ['Monica', 'Wolfgang']: raise ValueError('You have provided a TOV ' 'for which we have no data ' 'and therefore cannot ' 'calculate the Baryonic mass.') if EOS not in get_eos_list(TOV): raise ValueError('You have provided a EOS ' 'for which we have no data ' 'and therefore cannot ' 'calculate the Baryonic mass.') if TOV == 'Monica': import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.MonotonicSpline as ms import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.eos_tools as et MassRadiusBaryMassTable = + '_mr.dat'), format='ascii') baryonic_mass_of_mass_const = ms.interpolate(MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mb']) # after obtaining the baryonic_mass_of_mass constants we now can either take values directly from table or use pre calculated spline to extrapolate the values self['mb1'] = et.values_from_table(self['m1'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mb'], baryonic_mass_of_mass_const) self['mb2'] = et.values_from_table(self['m2'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mb'], baryonic_mass_of_mass_const) if TOV == 'Wolfgang': import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.MonotonicSpline as ms import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.eos_tools as et MassRadiusBaryMassTable = + '.tidal.seq'), format='ascii') baryonic_mass_of_mass_const = ms.interpolate(MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['baryonic_mass']) # after obtaining the baryonic_mass_of_mass constants we now can either take values directly from table or use pre calculated spline to extrapolate the values self['mb1'] = et.values_from_table(self['m1'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['baryonic_mass'], baryonic_mass_of_mass_const) self['mb2'] = et.values_from_table(self['m2'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['baryonic_mass'], baryonic_mass_of_mass_const) return self
[docs] def calc_radius(self, EOS, TOV): """ """ if TOV not in ['Monica', 'Wolfgang', 'lalsim']: raise ValueError('You have provided a TOV ' 'for which we have no data ' 'and therefore cannot ' 'calculate the radius.') if EOS not in get_eos_list(TOV): raise ValueError('You have provided a EOS ' 'for which we have no data ' 'and therefore cannot ' 'calculate the radius.') if TOV == 'Monica': import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.MonotonicSpline as ms import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.eos_tools as et MassRadiusBaryMassTable = + '_mr.dat'), format='ascii') radius_of_mass_const = ms.interpolate(MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius']) # after obtaining the radius_of_mass constants we now can either take values directly from table or use pre calculated spline to extrapolate the values # also radius is in km in table. need to convert to SI (i.e. meters) self['r1'] = et.values_from_table(self['m1'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius'], radius_of_mass_const)*10**3 self['r2'] = et.values_from_table(self['m2'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius'], radius_of_mass_const)*10**3 elif TOV == 'Wolfgang': import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.MonotonicSpline as ms import gwemlightcurves.EOS.TOV.Monica.eos_tools as et try: import lal G = lal.G_SI; c = lal.C_SI; msun = lal.MSUN_SI except: import astropy.units as u import astropy.constants as C G = lal.G_SI; c = C.c.value; msun = MassRadiusBaryMassTable = + '.tidal.seq'), format='ascii') radius_of_mass_const = ms.interpolate(MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['Circumferential_radius']) unit_conversion = (msun * G / c**2) self['r1'] = et.values_from_table(self['m1'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['Circumferential_radius'], radius_of_mass_const) * unit_conversion self['r2'] = et.values_from_table(self['m2'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['grav_mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['Circumferential_radius'], radius_of_mass_const) * unit_conversion elif TOV == 'lalsim': import lalsimulation as lalsim MassRadiusiBaryMassTable = + '_lalsim_mr.dat'), format='ascii') radius_of_mass_const = ms.interpolate(MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius']) # after obtaining the radius_of_mass constants we now can either take values directly from table or use pre calculated spline to extrapolate the values # also radius is in km in table. need to convert to SI (i.e. meters) self['r1'] = et.values_from_table(self['m1'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius'], radius_of_mass_const)*10**3 self['r2'] = et.values_from_table(self['m2'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['mass'], MassRadiusBaryMassTable['radius'], radius_of_mass_const)*10**3 return self
[docs] def downsample(self, Nsamples=100): """ randomly down samples the number os posterior samples used for calculating lightcurves plotting etc """ print('You are requesting to downsample the number of posterior samples to {0}'.format(Nsamples)) idx = np.random.permutation(len(self["m1"])) idx = idx[:Nsamples] return self[idx]
[docs] @classmethod def plot_mag_panels(cls, table_dict, distance, filts=["g","r","i","z","y","J","H","K"], magidxs=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], figsize=(20, 28)): """ This allows us to take the lightcurves from the KNModels samples table and plot it using a supplied set of filters. Default: filts=["g","r","i","z","y","J","H","K"] """ # get legend determines the names to add to legend based on KN model def get_legend(model): if model == "DiUj2017": legend_name = "Dietrich and Ujevic (2017)" if model == "KaKy2016": legend_name = "Kawaguchi et al. (2016)" elif model == "Me2017": legend_name = "Metzger (2017)" elif model == "SmCh2017": legend_name = "Smartt et al. (2017)" elif model == "WoKo2017": legend_name = "Wollaeger et al. (2017)" elif model == "BaKa2016": legend_name = "Barnes et al. (2016)" elif model == "Ka2017": legend_name = "Kasen (2017)" elif model == "RoFe2017": legend_name = "Rosswog et al. (2017)" return legend_name import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pyplot import cm # Initialize variables and arrays models = table_dict.keys() colors_names = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(models))) tt = np.arange(table_dict[models[0]]['tini'][0], table_dict[models[0]]['tmax'][0] + table_dict[models[0]]['dt'][0], table_dict[models[0]]['dt'][0]) # Initialize plot plt.figure(figsize = figsize) cnt = 0 for filt, magidx in zip(filts, magidxs): cnt = cnt + 1 vals = "%d%d%d"%(len(filts), 1, cnt) if cnt == 1: ax1 = plt.subplot(eval(vals)) else: ax2 = plt.subplot(eval(vals), sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) for ii, model in enumerate(models): legend_name = get_legend(model) magmed = np.median(table_dict[model]["mag_%s"%filt], axis=0) magmax = np.max(table_dict[model]["mag_%s"%filt], axis=0) magmin = np.min(table_dict[model]["mag_%s"%filt], axis=0) plt.plot(tt, magmed, '--', c=colors_names[ii], linewidth=2, label=legend_name) plt.fill_between(tt, magmin, magmax, facecolor=colors_names[ii], alpha=0.2) plt.ylabel('%s'%filt, fontsize=48, rotation=0, labelpad=40) plt.xlim([0.0, 14.0]) plt.ylim([-18.0, -10.0]) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.grid() plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) if cnt == 1: ax1.set_yticks([-18,-16,-14,-12,-10]) plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) l = plt.legend(loc="upper right", prop={'size':24}, numpoints=1, shadow=True, fancybox=True) plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) ax3 = ax1.twinx() # mirror them ax3.set_yticks([16,12,8,4,0]) app = np.array([-18,-16,-14,-12,-10])+np.floor(5*(np.log10(distance*1e6) - 1)) ax3.set_yticklabels(app.astype(int)) plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) else: ax4 = ax2.twinx() # mirror them ax4.set_yticks([16,12,8,4,0]) app = np.array([-18,-16,-14,-12,-10])+np.floor(5*(np.log10(distance*1e6) - 1)) ax4.set_yticklabels(app.astype(int)) plt.xticks(fontsize=28) plt.yticks(fontsize=28) if (not cnt == len(filts)) and (not cnt == 1): plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.set_zorder(1) ax2.set_xlabel('Time [days]',fontsize=48) return plt
[docs] def mass_cut(self, mass1=None,mass2=None,mtotmin=None,mtotmax=None): """ Perform mass cut on table. """ #print('You are requesting to remove samples with m1 above %.2f solar masses and m2 above %.2f solar masses'%(mass1,mass2)) if not mass1 == None: idx = np.where(self["m1"] <= mass1) self = self[idx] if not mass2 == None: idx = np.where(self["m2"] <= mass2) self = self[idx] if not mtotmin == None: idx = np.where(self["m1"] + self["m2"] >= mtotmin) self = self[idx] if not mtotmax == None: idx = np.where(self["m1"] + self["m2"] <= mtotmax) self = self[idx] return self
[docs] @classmethod def model(cls, format_, *args, **kwargs): """Fetch a table of events from a database Parameters ---------- *args all other positional arguments are specific to the data format, see below for basic usage **kwargs all other positional arguments are specific to the data format, see the online documentation for more details Returns ------- table : `KNTable` a table of events recovered from the remote database Examples -------- Notes -----""" # standard registered fetch from .io.model import get_model model = get_model(format_, cls) return model(*args, **kwargs)